Bird Mania
2733 W Emaus Ave
Allentown PA 18103
Monday thru Friday - 12-5 p.m.
Saturday - 12-6 p.m.
Closed on Sunday

Grooming Services



Grooming done on the premises

Protect your pet bird
The bird's safety and well-being is our #1 concern
Peace of mind and personal comfort when leaving your pet bird free to roam about the house
Please make an appointment for grooming services

Individualized grooming services

Wing trimming - have it done regularly!
Don't let a catastrophic event with your pet bird occur in your home.  It is important to be aware of your pet's ability to take flight.  You may find it funny, or enjoyable to watch, but this is not a safe condition for an exotic caged bird.  
Remember, most of us live in a climate that is NOT natural to your pet bird.  It only takes ONE flight to have your pet bird fly out a window or an open door.  Once your pet escapes, he's free, but he has been raised by humans, and depends on you to take care of him.  
Exotic birds CAN NOT SURVIVE ON THEIR OWN.  We can even offer a "soft clip" which will allow your bird to appear unclipped, but have only a small amount of lift.  This style of wing clipping must be monitored much more frequently.
Toe nail trimming - for safety and comfort
Did you ever put your pet bird back in the cage because you were unable to hold it for any length of time?  Those killer nails.... We encourage you to interact with your bird regularly.  For your own comfort, we recommend frequent toe nail trimming.  
This is important for your bird's safety as well.  When their toe nails become long and curved, they frequently have problems climbing and playing in their cages.  Toys made of fabric or rope can also cause injury when your bird's nails become caught, because they are overgrown.
Beak trimming and shaping - ONLY for those that need it!
Occasionally, we encounter a customer, who's bird has a deformed or mis-aligned beak.  This condition can be livable, but many times these beaks grow uneven or break off.  We can make recommendations on how you can best manage this condition.  In many cases, we can offer minimal corrective action that will result in the bird's ability to live a normal life with minimal intervention.
Please note:  If you are in need of grooming services, please call before you visit. Appointments are necessary. All grooming is done at the bird owner's risk! 


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